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Special Fried Rice Recipe – How To Make Fried Rice

Special Fried Rice
Special fried rice Recipes -Halo Sobaterz, let's Cook-Cook. This recipe is Special fried rice. Why I chose the fried rice? In addition to delicious, fried rice very easily made. The following recipes and how to create a Special fried rice

Special Fried Rice Recipe Ingredients:
  • 4 plate white rice
  • 200 grams of shrimp, peeled, halve two, garami arm lock, fried
  • 100 grams of crab meat, boiled crab attaching/, sautéed with butter
  • 1 chicken breast, boiled, shred-shred meat
  • 4 eggs, make the eyes of a cow
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon of tomato puree
  • cucumber and tomato to taste

Subtle Seasoning Recipes Special fried rice (crushed):

  • 6 pieces of red chilli, boiled, seeded
  • 10 pieces of onion
  • 1 cm shrimp paste
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons salt
How To Make Fried Rice:
  1. Saute seasoning smooth with butter, pour 2 tablespoons of water and puree the tomatoes. Add chicken, stir well. Enter the rice, Cook until cooked.
  2. Serve fried rice with put in atasya crab, fried shrimp, fried egg, slices of cucumber and tomato.
Good luck Special fried rice Recipes
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

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