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Facebook 2.0 For Blackberry-Facebook 2.0 Application For Blackberry

Facebook 2.0 for BlackBerry will be in release Haii Sobaterz gudangblog, Blackberry will release Facebook 2.0 for those of you who like to Facebook on your Blackberry. Eits but previously you had to Facebook settings on a blackberry. And for the curious please see leakage picture footage from the Facebook application version 2.0 which turns out to have been circulating in cyberspace and according to the leaked facebook 2.0 for BlackBerry will feature some of the changes:
  • Facebook Chat
  • Refresher display interface
  • Display info profile, pages, and list of friends from Facebook friends
  • A deeper integration of the core
The addition of a built-in chat it would be an interesting feature considering the lack of applications for BlackBerry, as well as make it more equivalent to the application of FB in iOS and Android. This latest version of Facebook application dirumorkan will release in May 2011, while the beta version of his will appeared earlier (around March) in the BlackBerry Beta Zone.

Following the leak display facebook 2.0 for Blackberry latest immediately at launch in the near future

Facebook 2.0 for blackberry
View Facebook 2.0 For Blackberry

That's the last form of display Facebook 2.0 for Blackberry, UberSocial download is also for you who want to play twitter on my blackberry
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

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